Sunday, August 24, 2014

R programming: A gentle introduction.


In the recent times, 'open source' software has become very important in our day to day lives. When compared to the commercial softwares, open source software are up to the task. For example, R statistical software is gaining popularity at a very fast rate.

Please find some of the R introduction notes by clicking on the link below;

All the best.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Use of xlsx package in R

This is the most convenient way to reading an excel file; i.e. .xls and .xlsx documents. For you to do this, you must first install the xlsx package which depends on two other packages namely; "rjava" and "xlsxjars" packages. the easiest way to do this; METHOD 1: .Go to "Packages" in the menu bar in R, then go to "Install package(s)". .Select the preferable country server to download from. .Select the required package to install. .This is the best method to use since the dependent packages are downloaded automatically afterwards. .Try this, but if it doesn't work, then use method 2 below. METHOD 2 . Go to Google search engine .Search for "xlsx package in R" .Or click on this links to download; .xlsx package .rjava package .xlsxjars package .Once you have downloaded all the three packages, then; .Go to "Packages" in the menu bar in R, then go to "Install package(s)from local zip files", the locate where your downloaded files are. Once you've installed then you are ready to use it by going to R, then ->packages->load package then select the package you want or use library(xlsx). DATA INPUT SYNTAX EXAMPLE data=read.xlsx("c:/cheruiyot/research/returns.xlsx",sheetIndex="forex",colIndex=2:22,rowIndex=3:13,header=T))